The Waco News-Tribune from Waco, Texas (2024)

A Brannan Says Farmers Need Better Public Relations Secretary of Agriculture nan has been sounding warnings that farmers must improve their public relations if they want 10 enjoy continued support of sumers and the general public, This is not a new idea. since farmers constitute a much smaller percentage of total population than they did Just a few years ago. the population 1910. farmers As compared 10, 35 per cent of now make up only 16 per cent: which means that they can be voted the city folks time the latter decide that they want to cut down on farm appropriations and put an end to farm programs. Recent Action Cited Brannan cited the recent action of the Senate Finance committee to tax co-operatives 05 evidence that farmers must be on their Agriculture guard lest they future showdowns for consideration.

The fact that the Senate committee reversed itself a few days later does not remove this threat of operation of farm co-ops. It was the principle of what was termed as a punitive tax rather than a revenue raising, measure that aroused the ire the entire farm group. Brannan Joined all farm co-ops and the farm tax measure. It demonstrated that ganizations opposing the co-op it takes an attack from without to bring the farm force togetherjust like a family quarrel in which members quit fighting among themselves long enough to take on an, outside enemy. It WAS first time' in months that Brannan" and the American Farm Federation and its president.

Allan Kline, had been on the same side of any question As a matter of fact, some af the -LEGALS 120-LEGAL NOTICES TO WHOM It mar concern Notice heteby that Oliver Winchell John D. Roberta. F. W. Oates.

fame for any, Weed of McLennan W. Dandy and Tayler County, Texas who atTA. the firm of Central Texas intend to Incorporate asch firm without a of the firm from this date, the the day of OttoThis notice and pursuant to the of Article TUT thereto. CENTRAL TEXAS INION WORKS John D. Roberta Oates Weed Sherman Candy Pita Funeral Notices GERNARD, MAS.

Mrs. D. H. Saturday W. at Debhard.

67, died residence at BAR Ethel Avenge Funeral services be held at 1:30 Monday a Austin MethodCharch Arena officiating RE held the Alvarado Cemetery Her Burband Get three Cari at Fart Warth. Nell of Dale Carl 1 NAIL Mecham. A Emmitt Cannally Funeral 1000 ton HAWKING KEGENE BANKS he Hawkins. 64. Saturday In a local Proctor Funeral services will he held al Monday Wilkinson and Hatch Chapel Dr Abodes assisted ay and Dr.

A burial in Oat wood The bady and Hatch Chapel 1 time at services Monday widow, of Waco two of Waco three Mrs. hush 400 M. brother. Dr four Mr. Fort W.

Sanderson D. McMina at R. Smith el grand RE 1 Burton. Daniel Jaha Goble M. Watkins DE Kirby.

Dr. R. of the works Class Michiand Charch and hie and Hatch Funeral Home. 1134 Avenue, phone 3-3691. Washinston Avenun, phene: XII-DISPLAY CLASSIFIED 121- FUNERAL DIRECTORY RATES.

MEN Mn C. A died At her home Street Funeral held at 10:20 Monday church. Dr. A. Reilly Copeland sulated by ReV.

burial in bard Cometary. Sam Bates of Lubbock and JEER of of Mr. Du Bose of Lit R. Sr. ot Graham Mrs.

W. Ivey Mrs. Sam D. of Alice Ima Lou Vickey at Waco one Myra Killouch Beach Calif brother-In-law. Rates of Conte grandchildren.

66 and 36 Rufus Denton. Erato Denton. Chathe Denten Grand Prairie, Len Billy Virkery of Houston and Robert Vickery Wilkinson and Hatch Funeral Home, 1124 Thoughtfulness WILKIRSON HATCH Funeral Home Phone 3-3691 Funeral Insurance EXPRESS SYMPATHY The Heartfelt Way-With FLOWERS THE BLOSSOM SHOP by Sansevelt Hotel Phone 4-0977 Remembrance Love Devotion Jim Phipps Memorial Co. Funeral Directors (Disinterments) So. 11th at Loop 2-8307 Ilighway Phone AMBULANCE EMERGENCY -INVALID COACH LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENT Dial 2-3407 CONNALLY 1000 Washington HOME SERVICE SINCE 1908 COMPTON FUNERAL HOME DIAL 4-1441 BURIAL INSURANCE HOME'S WHERE YOU FIND IT SALISBURY.

Sept. 30 (AP) E. P. Moore of nearby Delmar has a new roof on his home. but he didn't ask for it.

roofing crew finished the Job they realized they were the wrong house. Now NOT Moore and the company are discussing a settlement. Top Editors Rap Growing Censorship paper, La Prenza. Can Happen Anywhere CHICAGO, Sept. 30 (UP) Forty-three of the nation's leading newspaper editors and publishers today, adopted freedom stern which declaration charged that public information is "being steadily undermined by the growing practice of secrecy in Government.

The declaration was made after an all-day forum discussion with Dr. Alberto Gainza Paz, publisher and editor of the suppressed Buenos Aires news- Dr. Gainza warned that the same fate could befall newspapers anywhere in the Americas unless the public is aroused. The newsmen pledged themselves to fight for freedom of information throuzhout the Western Hemisphere but directed much their attack to conditions at home, The declaration said the growing secrecy in government was in evidence at the national, state and local level." The statement growing tendency departie. officlals to feel they are accountable to the public; that they may seal and impound public records: that they may divulge only such information as they think good for the people to know." Crack at Truman The publishers and editors also took a direct crack at the order of President Truman last week setting up "security codes" of censorship an Government news.

They said some public officials believe they can "extend 'military security' into areas of news which have no bearing on the nation's security. as shown in an executive order Issued within the week. The American people are In danger of losing their right to freedom of information by default unless they demand of their public officials the right of free access to the facts about their Government." the declaration declared. It was authored by Richard Finnegan of the Chicato Sun-Times, Erwin D. Canham of the Christian Science Monitor, Alexander Jones of the Syracuse HeraldJournal, Ralph McGill of the AtLanta Constitution and Dean Kenneth Olson of the Northwestern University School of Journalism.

The declaration was adopted unanimously by all delegates. It proclaimed that "freedom of information is not and cannot be a matter for one nation or one people alone. that the right of freedom of information the basic right of all the peoples of the 21 Republics of the Western Hemisphere, not to be suppressed or put under duress by any gov- SAN DIEGO, Calif. Sept. 30 (AP) Four ships and 1,200 men of the Pacific fleet's destroyer Division 12 arrived here today from more than seven months Korean war service.

ships were the Richard B. Anderson, Bausell, Agerholm and Rogers, Ships Return From Korea August Traffic Fatality Toll Highest in Decade CHICAGO. Sept. 30 (AP) American motorists last month piled up their highest August highway death toll in a decade. the total of 3,560 killed was the The National Safety, Council said greatest for August since 1941.

when 3.954 perished and the highest. for any month yet this year. The August fatalities brought the toll for the first enght months this year to 23.030- cent above the corresponding 1950 period. 810-Million in Grants Made School Lunches DALLAS. Sept.

30 (UMP) Federal grants totaling almost $10 I million have been made to seven Southwestern States to help pay for their public school lunch programs. John J. Slaughter, field supervisor the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Production and Marketing Administration.

said the USDA grants were made on the basis of the number of school children and per capita income. Boyle Telephone Records Investigated in Inquiry WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 (AP)- Senators investigating Democratic National Chairman William M. Boyle Jr. looked banks and the telephone company today for clues.

The Senate Investigations subcommittee is Inquiring into accusations that Boyle accepted $8,000 from American Lithofold Corp. of St. Louis for exerting political influence to help the printing firm get Government loans. Boyle Denies Charge warnings Brannan has been issuing recently have been aimed at Kline, Secretary Roger Fleming and other Bureau spokesmen. even though he did not mention them by name, Disapproval Indicated just who was supposed to cupy this empty chair next to me; I thought perhaps it might be Mossadegh or Allan Kline, Brannan said.

(The reference to the Iranian premier was evidently for the benefit of same oil men at the dinner.) Kline. on the other hand. has made it clear to his friends that he has carefully refrained from any attacks on or even mention critically of the Secretary of stick to Ideas which are much more important that "feudinc was the way he put Neither Has Solution But neither Brannan nor Kline has come up with a solution the problem of convincing the urban population that beef prices are not too high and that they are not pay100 much for food. The Farm Bureau folks are working with representatives of some of the food firms and groups interested in getting agriculture out of the doghouse with the consuming public on the matter of food prices. It will take something on the constructive side to get the idea across that the farmer is getting only a fair price for his producs and no more than a fair return for his food-producing efforts.

Some of the farm editors thought that Brannan was trying to single out a "whipping boy, Most of them agreed that it a real problem and the farmers must try to prevent misunderstanding and anismn but they haven't found the He Indicated his disapproval of some of the attacks on the agricultural conservation payment proand some of the economy moves the Farm Bureau and the citizens committee for the Hoover plan for Government organization. Brannan let it be known that he was somewhat irked by the attacks on 1 the organizational setup of the department and some of its programs. After appearing before the Senate committee considering the Department of Agriculture ganization bill, the secretary predicted that little would come of this measure at the current session of Congress. He attributed some bad public relations for agriculture on "lack of consideration for city consumers on the part of some farm Farmers Interested in Attitudes He urged farm leaders to make clear to labor and white-collar groups that farmers are concerned with their problems. know no farm folks not concerned with city folks' attitudes on farm programs.

I have sensed no attitude among farmers that they wish to gouge food, price- wise he sald. Brannan obviously referred 10 some of the bitter opposition LO price controls on the part of some of the farm croups. When he discussed this matter recently with a group of agricultural editors it was Interpreted as referring to Allan Kline. He made no reference to Kline at that time, however, although he did mention him at a dinner meeting here not long azo. "All evening I have been wonderIng just who was supposed to answer as yet to this public relaLions problem.

ABC. Signs Winchell NEW YORK, Sept. 30 (AP)- The American, Broadcasting Company announced tonicht it has signed Walter Winchell to exclusive, life-long radio and television contract. Wreck Injures Austin Woman And Waco Man An elderly Waco man and an Austin woman were injured Sunday night at 9:15 o'clock in a callison at the Intersection of Hogan Lane and Highway 51. William Farrar Sparks, 64.

of Route 9. Box 50. Waco, was taken to Hillerest Hospital by Blue Flash ambulance for of head lacerations. Hospital attendants reported his condition Also in Hillerest Hospital was Mrs. Corbett Calvin Mitchell of Austin.

The extent of her injuries bad not been determined Sunday night. Highway Patrolman Rip Rierson, who investicated the accident, said Sparks, driving alone, was going north on Highway when he made a left turn onto Hogan Lane. Sparks car was the 1 in collision with a car driven by Corbett Calvin Mitchell of Austin. who was coming toward Waco on Highway 81. The Mitchell's 4-year-old grandson.

Leslie Rich of Burkhurnett, a passenger, Was not in Boyle has sworn the charge 1s without The $565.000 Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) loans have been repaid. committee disclosed it has subpoenaed bank account records of both Boyle and Max Siskind. his former law associate, and 1 moving seize the records of Lithofold's long distance telephone calls to Washington. Staff investigators had orders to peer closely into expenditures from the cash accounts of Siskind's office. which Senator Nixon.

Calif said totaled $24,000 In 1019 and 1 1950. Nixon contended at a committee hearing Friday that the cash accounts were surpringly large and should he studied closely. along with checks made out by Siskind 111 those years, pavable to "cash." Theodore Link, a reporter for the St. Louis, Post had sworn he information that Boyle drew several thousand dollars. paid by Lithofold through Siskind.

The reporter declined to give the names of his Informants. but said he would do my best" to induce them to testify. Phone Records Subpoenaed other committee Senator Mundt, an- The Mara NewsMonday, October 1, 1951 Waco, Texas -Page 13 AND THE CRICKETS CAME--Like the News- Tribune said a few days ago, when cool weather strikes, the crickets will be with us They came to Municipal Airport in goodly numbers. Above, H. E.

Kruger, 2309 Morrow, driver of the airport limousine, uses a slightly unorthodox method for getting rid of the Kruger said the whirring mower blades attracted insects and the next push wiped them out. (Photo by Windy Drum), Talks on German Peace Contract Resume Today BONN. Germany, Sept. 30 (AP) Talks on a German peace contract resume here tomorrow with Chancellor Konrad Adenauer holding handfull of aces. The three Western high commitsioners and the chancellor are to have their second conference since the Washington Big Three decision to negotiate an agreement that will remove most occupation controls from West Germany.

New Factors Arise Since the foreign ministers told their hizh commissioners to go ahead with the negotiations several important new factors have come up which have strengthened Adenauer's hand and may lead to long delays unless the three Allies ate ready to make some big concessions. Last Monday Adenauer was told the Western terms, which Included the provision of German soldiers for the European army. In the intervening week the Germans and the Allies have, by mutual agreement, been tight-lipped about the sovereignty-defense contribution deal which is being ranged. But It has become evident that the Allies are not being as gene OUR As the German government would like It appeared tron hints that the degree sovereignty and "equality" to be accorded Bonn was short of German aspirations despite acclaim an Allied communique that German and Allied ideas were very close. Concessions Few Adenauer also has been according to reliable sources, th the Allies will not make in return for German troops any concession which Jeopardize the fundamental aims of the Allied occupation Germany.

No concessions would De made, for example, Allied Insistence on German restitution to the Jews. and on the effective breaking up of German cartels. Russians gave Impression today BERLIN, Sept. 30. (API The they are ready to do almost anything to bring about East West German unity talks.

Informed quarters in East Berlin said the Soviet zone's parliament has been instructed to prepare another overture to the Bonn government. This approach, which may come late next week, was said in these quarters to be the most attractive yet offcred. may 20 sO far 85 to acept West Germany's 14-point program for free. national eleclions. at least as a basis for dis- Red Overtures Pushing Unity Of Reich Again cussion.

Would Throw Barriers Down The Western plan would in etfect require the Soviet zone to junk its police state system and throw open the borders for at least three months so that all political parties could make their programs Known to the sequestered East une residents. The Eastern parliament was described by competent sources as under orders from the Russians to put up a certain amount of opposition to such "barriers ideas but to appear willing to sit down and discuss it. The strategy of the Russians is being directed by Vladimir SemeKremlin political adviser for Germany. Zonal Borders Eyed On one point, it was said here the Russians are unlikely to back down. They are dead set against United Nations supervision of the elections.

A dispatch from Moscow. printed in the Red army's Taeglihe Rundschau this morning, made this clear by charging the West German demand for U. N. control 15 tantamount to turning the elections over to the Americans, Some concessions may be made on the touchy point of throwing the zonal borders open to travel. Western newspapers and other points of contact.

it was said Whether these reports are castIron truth 18 not as important some observers feel. AS the fact that the Russians are permitting the Communists to talk about them. That 15 a new departure and happens only when the Soviets are trial-ballooning for what they regard a tremendously important The aim, many westerners are convinced. to bog down the West German ambition for partnership in European defense by stirring up an almost genuine national unity issue GOP States Smears Used On Critics WASHINGTON. Sept.

30 (API Twenty-five Republican Senators declared today "some persons and groups' in the Truman tration are using "smear tactica and propaganda techniques to silence opposition. IN evidence the GOP lawmakers said. "that no man can criticize our government today and escape intemperate They set forth their views in manifesto which Sen. Ferguson. Mich.

one of the signers, WAS aimed for the most part "moves by the Administration curb freedom of speech and the press." Ferguson told a reporter the drafters led by Senator Bridges, N. H. had in mind such things President Truman's executive order last week standardizing and tightening the handling of security information by Government agen. clex. The order specified it should not be used to stifle the flow news to the puhlic.

Senator Bricker. R. Ohio, who also signed today's statement. has introduced A bill to wine the Truman order off the books. Bricker told the Senate Thursday It adds up to dictatorship.

At the sate time he and Ferzuson and other Senators sailed an Office of Price Stabilization order that the azency's employes keep secret any informaLion that might embarrass OPS. Mr. rescinded Truman few ordered hours that after entict came to light. Among the signers of today's statement charging use of Smear tactics" was Senator McCarthy, Wis. Last month McCarthy challenged Mr.

Truman to a showdown the polls on that issue in 1952, er the President had leclared hate-mongers and character assassins were trying 10 make American people "so hysterical no one will stand up to them fear of being called 8 Guard Division to Sail For Europe in October CAMP PICKETT. Va. Sept. 30 (API- The 43rd Infantry Division from New England will sail for Europe early in October, the Army announced today. The Forty-third will be the first National Guard division sent to the European command.

Americans Believe War Near. Survey Shows N. J. Sept. the 30 (UP)-Americans believe that chances for war with Russia are as great or greater than they were a vear ago and approve of the current defense program or want an even larger one.

a survey completed today by the Opinion Research Corporation reported. The corporation quizzed about 2.000 persons in 45 states in At attempt 10 see what people think about the country's mobilization effort. Three Fort Worth Men Held in Cattle Theft CENTER, Sept. 30 (AP) Three Fort Worth men are being held in jail here on charges of the theft of eight head of cattle from Hoyston Hooper, local last Feb. 5.

H. C. Anderson of Beaumont, a special Texas Ranger working for the Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association and the Coastal Cattle Association, said those charged Billy Norwood Portwood, 34: Herman Hugh Fisher, 29, and Calvin Dean Young. 20. CIRCUS CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONS hibitions of animal artistry.

Gorillas on Hand Juggling Irish beauty from Dublin. and many others of like repute. Returning by popular demand are the world renowned Hubert Castle, undisputed king of the tight wires the high wire Alzanas, with hair-raising Harold Alzana disregarding danger 60 feet above the tanbark: the earth's foremost bareback riders, including Zoppes, with the midget star. Cucciola: the Row and the Riding Parents: three top troupes of somersaulting flyers, featuring Antoinette Concello, goddess of flight: the swinging trapeze star, La Norma: the Her madas: Lilo Juston: Lola Dobritch: the Cycling Chaludis: Miss Loni, supreme the Realles: the the Rodolfos: the Idnavis: the Bokaras; the Freddi Troupe Luciana and Freidel, accomplished equestirennes, and Innumerable thers. Albert Rix and his great mixed group of performing bears are back: also three companies of superbly trained liberty horses: Peterson's celebrated jockey dogs; Tiebor's educated sea lions.

and other clever and amusing ex- Featured in the mammoth redesigned menagerie, in which the cages simulate the habitat of their inmates, are Gargantua I and Mile Toto, the famous baby zorillas imported last year from the wilds of West Africa, the most outstanding zoological attraction in circus history." For the convenience of the public reserved grandstand chair and also the unreserved seat ets, are now on sale at Williams Old Corner Drug Store, 423 Austin Avenue. After tonight's performance the circus will leave for Austin, where it exhibits Tuesday. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WACO OFFERS 3-WAY INSURANCE OF SAFETY FOR YOUR SAVINGS: 1 Conservative Management 2. High Reserves 3. Insurance of each account up to $10,000.00 by the F.S.

L.I.C. Current dividend, rate, per annum, payable and July Int Call at First Federal Savings and Loan Association Franklin Avenue at Fifth Street FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION A. J. BUSH, President FRANKLIN AT 5th ST. PHONE 3-2411 MANCHURIA MUKDEN ANTUNG SINUIJU WONSAN PYONGYANG BATTLE LINE KOREA YELLOW PUSAN MILES 100 AMPHIBIOUS PLAN? Peiping radio charged that the U.

N. command plans troop landings on both east and west coasts of Korea I north of present battle lines. The report said sea operations in vicinity of Chinnampo (port area for and Wonsan were intensified. The Newsmop above shows how such phibious operations might place U. N.

forces in position at shorter "waistline" of Korea 50 to 80 miles north of the present battle line. British Labor Says Peace Top Election Issue SCARBOROUGH, England, Sept. 30 (AP)- The Labor Party pledged tonight it would work for world peace, cut the cost of living and forward socialism in Britain. In its platform for the Oct. 25 general election campaign, the party's 27-member executive committee healed its recent spilt over Britain's rearmament and unanimously approved this program: 1.

secure peace. 2. "To, maintain full employment increase production. 3. "To bring down the cost of living." 4.

"To build: a Just society." with a Labor Government can the British people achieve these the platform asserted. The document was released here on the eve of the party's annual conference of some 1,500 delegates and party leaders. The platform was roughed out during the past two days by party leaders, including Aneurin Bevan, who quit Prime Minister Attlee's cabinet last spring. Bevan protested that the United States was dragzing Britain into an arms program that was so big It would hurt the welfare state. The threat of the loss of power to the now favored conservatives has brought lenst on the surface- the two factions inside the Labor Party, The Laborites now appear to be working for one main object- get back into office.

Our first to save the peace of the world." the platform The size of Britain's, 4.700.000.000 pounds sterling ($13,160,000,000) three-year defense program was not mentioned in the party platform statement. It said: "We do not for one moment sccept the view that a third world war la inevitable, We arm to save the It added cannot be preserved by arms alone. Peace depends equally on bringing freedom from poverty lands where hunger and disease are the lot of the "Britain's Labor Government has given a lead in economic sistance to these lands. As our armed strength grows more attention must be given to underdeveloped regions of the world." Beliefs Cost 2 Brothers Their Jobs TOLEDO, Ohio, Sept. 30 (UP)- Two brothers, with a total of 45 years' service on the New York Central Railroad, were finally out of work today because of their religious beliefs which they claim forbid them from Joining the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen Enginemen.

Charles Delamotte, who had 23 service. and his brother, Cornelius, with 22, rejected a 1 lastminute offer vesterday of the B. L. F. and E.

to hold their Jobs by paying dues without actually becoming members. Both members of a religious sect known as the Plymouth Brethren, the brothers maintained that joining the rail union under terma of a union shop agreement arrived at last May. would be a violation of one of the tenets of their faiths. The agreement made union membership mandatory after 60 days employment. They cited chapter four, verse six of St.

Paul's second Epistle to the Corinthians, which reads: ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. for what fellowship hath with unrighteousness, and what communion hath light with darkness." The two were given a hearing Sept. 5. before NYC and brotherhood officials, but their mandatory dismissals were held in apparently to give the union time to try to work out a compromise. Cornelius Delamotte said he and his brother had received a proposal from the union whereby they would pay their dues anonymously.

This, they turned down. The brothers, in turn, offered to the amount of the dues charity. but the B. L. F.

E. rejected the move. Delamotte said he and his broth. er have received notice of their final dismissal. Charles Delamotte is without a Job, but Cornelius working as a house-to-house hostery salesman to support his wife and three children.

Both were employed by the NYC as hostlers in the freight yards here. 465 More U. S. Casualties It was at first thought that detailed negotiations by experts would begin next week on the many legal and constitutional points Involved in what the Allies call the "complete transformation" of their relations with Bonn. But it was predicted in Allied circles today that there will have to be further meetings between the chancellor and the high -ioners before they reach enough agreement on principles to permit detailed study.

It is believed the subjects on which there is widest disagreement are money and the remaining curbs on West German industry, The French are known to be parficularly insistent that the fact Allied troops will in future be called defense forces and not occupation troops shall not add to the home taxpayers' burden. Official Records TEXAS WEATHER EAST TEXAS- Partly cloudy tonight And Monday. showers Moderate to fresh the WEST and Monday, in Panhandle, NATIONAL WEATHER Observations taken trad standard time. Sept station Hich Low Rain Atlanta Denver Cola. El Pate Houston Little Rack Mi New New Oblahama City San Antonia TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS The following traffic accidents reported the 24 ending m.

Saturday, 100 Back Elm Street driven by Jackson of 1019 LaCiede Street. Bellmead, and William Earles West Tenth Street. Worth. No one m. Saturday Etchth and Austin: CAFE driven Walls West and Robert L.

Hisdon at Black No one was injured. at 2100 Austin. driven by Harris Alled. Hubby Avenue hit parked Johnnie Walker. 16.

North Fifteenth Street, and Carl emote 18. of Valley Mile Investicated. DY Sam Fuller 10 Sundar Eleventh and Washineten Car driven by Reuben zales. 405 South Fifteenth and ambulance driven by Richard Saddler, Station Hospital Parker cars Owned by McKenzie. nard and I.

Wood. There 00 Investigated by Officers and CRIME Theta Disturbances 13. Assault 1. Na fires reported 24 hours ending FIRES, AR 5 m. Sundar.

Wacoans Attend Meeting Of Legion Auxiliary Five Wacoans attended an executive meeting of the Department of Texas, American Legion Auxiliary in Austin Sunday. Going from Waco were Mrs. John Bilbrow. assistant Eleventh District president: Miss Bernice Brown and Mesdames Margaret Sullivan, B. J.

Hardman, N. C. Massey. WASHINGTON. Sept.

39 (AP) The Defense Department tonight identified more Korean war casualties (list No. 408). Of the total, 97 are dead, 334 wounded, 24 missing and 10 injured in battlezone accidents. Work To Be Resumed At Vital Atomic Plant LOS ALAMOS, N. Sept 30 (9) Work will resumed on construction projects At this vital atomic center tomorrow following a union order to striking AFL plumbers to stop picketing until the State Bulldings Trades Council reviews their complaints.

Union officials said that some 2.500 construction workers who refused to pass picket lines Friday and Saturday, halting $42,500,000 worth of high priority construction. would return to work. However some 235 striking plumbers will continue their walkout. THAT MILLIONS ASPIRIN DEMAND! 100 TABLETS St.Joseph 36 Tablets 25 ASPIRIN WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AT SKAT Cleans Hands Sinks, Pans, Kettles, Baths, Floors WHITE TIRES Fast FOR SALE AT YOUR GROCER nounced subpoena the group is all Lithofold's to records of Jong distance telephone calls to Washington in those two vears. "The testimony indicates Lithofold had an awful lot of distance calls, and tolls to Washington.

told a reporter, haps $1.000 to $1.500 of tolls month. We're subpoenaing the records so we can check into those calls. We could open up a whole pandora's box of information." Boyle yesterday gave the mittee unlimited access to his income tax returns for the two years in question. while scheduled for Thursday the Senator or Hoey, N. C.

meanstart of a parallel inquiry into contacts between Republican tional Chairman Guy G. Gabrielson and the RFC. Gabrielson is under fire from some GOP Senators, seeking his scalp because of his acknowledged intercession with the RFC in connection with loans to a firm he heads. Gabrielson Counters Gabrielson has countered that his critics are him. and demanded the hearing before Hoev ident and general CarthThe Republean chairman, is presage-Hydrocol, Inc.

a gasoline refining firm which owes the RFC $18,500.000. He has declared pubhe urged the agency to make the loan terms more liberl. but that he did so as a business man and not as the party chief. Hoey scheduled Gabrielson A the opening witness on that phase of the Inquiry, Later the group expects to call REC officials to tell whether the Republican leader swung any political pressure. -Will be A fair and thorough Hoey promised.

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The Waco News-Tribune from Waco, Texas (2024)


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