Brownwood Bulletin from Brownwood, Texas (2024)

2 BROWNWOOD BULLETIN Friday, May 2, 1969 IDEATHS- DE LEON (BBC) Last rites for Mrs. Lucille Redden Duke, 77, were to be at 3 p.m. today at First Methodist Church with the Rev. Bobby Weathers officlating. ca Burial was in De Cemetery with Nabors Funeral Home in charge.

She died about 7 p.m. Wednesday in a local hospital after an illness of several months. She was born in De March 10, 1892. A retired teacher, she was a member of First United Methodist Church, Delta Kappa Gamma, AAUW and De Leon Shakespeare Club. Survivors include son, Clark of De Leon; two sisters, Mrs.

Bob Whaley and Mrs. M. C. Stewart, both of De Leon; one brother, Clarence Redden of Fort Worth; two grandchildren. and FUNERALS Mrs.

Lucille R. Duke Lester A. Keesee, 56 Services for Lester Arthur Keesee, 56, of Camp Bowie, will; be Saturday at 2 p.m. at DavisMorris Funeral Home with Rev. Larry Martin and Rev.

R. J. El. kins officiating. Burial will be in Jenkins Springs Cemetery.

Mr. Keesee died Thursday at 11:40 a.m. in a local hospital, from Injuries he received in a tractor accident on West Austin Ave. here Thursday about 10:30 a.m. Born Oct.

9, 1912 in Weedon Community of Brown County, he was a member of the Central Baptist Church and had pastored the Sunset Baptist Church and the Emmanuel Baptist Church, both in Brown County. He had lived all of his life in Brown County and had been an employe of the parks and recreation department of the City of Brownwood for the past 33 years. He was married to Thelma Ruth Furry Oct. 31, 1948 in Brownwood. Survivors include his wife; his father, A.

A. Keesee of Brownwood; four brothers, J. T. of Brownwood, Truman of Irving, Elton of Michigan, and Earl of Nebraska; three sisters, Mrs. Hazel Sparkman, of Lubbock, Mrs.

Dorothy 'Tipps of Pasadena, and Mrs Joyce Stafford of Iraan. Hitler Aide Dies at 89 OBERSASBACH, Germany AP Former Chancellor Franz von Papen, who helped pave Hitler's way to power and later won at the Nuernberg war crimes trials, died today, his son reported. He was 89 years old. Von early Papen became seriously ill in April. His son said the illness was aggravaled by his advanced age.

He died at his secluded home in this Baden village. Von Papen, regarded as something of a lightweight in the German politics of the early 1930s, was as responsible as any one man for bringing Adolf Hitler to power, though that probably was not what he meant to do. In a chaptic political situation in June 1932, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Von Papen chancellor. But he resigned that fall after elections showed Hitler's Nazi had made great gains, though still not enough for a Reichstag majority. The Nazis were nearly bankrupt then, and Von Papen arranged a meeting of Hitler and Baron Kurt von' Schroeder, a Cologne banker, apparently with the idea of putting Hitler and the Nazis in his debt.

He persuaded Schroeder and his colleagues that the natlon's best hope was a coalition government of Nazis and nationalist rightists, In a short time a fund of four million marks was raised for Hitler's party. Two Are Injured In Mishap Here Two persons were Injured In a two-car accident reported at 12:07 p.m. Thursday at 14th St. and Ave. E.

Treated and released from Memorial Hospital following the accident were Demby Wise of Rockwood, driver of the 1968 car, and Oleta Hassell, driver of the 1966 car. No injuries are reported from a mishap reported at 1:05 p.m, Thursday, Involved were a 1968 car driyen by Sandra Diles of 1109 Crothers St. and a 1967 car driven by Barbara Sue Hammitt of 2405 Durham St. pital stays fortunately have been paid out of state appropriations and through Medicaid, But undoubtedly the biggest contribution anyone has made is that by Mrs. Sanders herself.

While she stands to realize her long cherished dream of improved vision, she also is providing physicians with important knowledge which will aid many other persons in the future. CENTRAL CONDITIONING SALES SERVICE Add on to yow fur. Collier 120 Broad war Campus Turmoil Mounts Columbia Students Start Sit- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Administrators are invoking the rule of law against disruptive students at some of the nation's college campuses, but the wave of spring turmoil shows little sign of letting up. Twenty-nine black law students at Columbia University began a si Thursday night in the law school library, less than 12 hours after members of Stu- HPC- (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) dary education were won by Hugh Fletcher of Comanche and Noma Kathryn Smith Aday of Brownwood. Receiving medals awarded to music majors and minors for superior musical academic achievement were Norma Jean Taylor of Lampasas, Michael Willis Gillespie, of Kerrville, Estelle Wootton of Brownwood, Mary Louise Young of Garland, Mark Daniel Edwards of Lytle and Carol Jean Shelton of Hondo.

Gillespie also won the Schubert Music award and Miss Young the Turner award, which are presented to the outstanding music students. Athletic awards included outstanding varsity football linemen, Howard Kent Bachtel of Lake Jackson; outstanding varsity football back, Billy Gene Ingram of Graham; outstanding varsity basketball player, Fred B. Davis of Oakland, Calif; outstanding varsity track man, John Wayne Rathke of Kerrville; outstanding football achievement award, Ken Earl Cansler of Tulia; outstanding basketball achievement award, Daniel Carl McGhee, Bloomfield, Ind, Outstanding intramural athlete participants were Don Royce Taylor, Stamford, and standing sportsmanship awards Hipp, Olton while outwent to Robert Lenton Oakes of Brownwood and Frances Moore of San 1 Antonio. Outstanding physical education students were Michael Dan Turner of Andrews, and Linda Marie Feuge of Llano. Division of science and mathematics awards included biology, Roy Michael Ragsdale of Belton; chemistry, Terry Michael Hipp of Olton.

Division of religion and philosophy awards were Bible major, Stewart Reid McChesney of Casper, religious Know. ledge, William Claude Storms of La Feria. Alpha Lambda Delta awards were granted to Lana Carole Archer of Lamesa, Sandra Ann Gray of Brownwood, Adelia Celeste Maddalun Holly of Hurst and Pamela Ann Lively of San Saba. Miss Archer also won the Maria Leonard Book award, and the Dollie Robinett award. Melvin Joseph Reus of San Antonio won the Gamma Beta Phi award.

Dr. Frances Merritt, dean of the college, made the awards. Motel Room Cleaned Out by Thief Here Almost everything but the furniture was reported missing from one of the rooms at the Avalon Motel in Early Thursday night or Friday morning. Charges of theft over $5 and under $50 will be filed in Justice of the Peace court here in connection with the Incident. According to Joe Townsend, Brown County sheriff investigating the theft, reported missing were sheets, pillow cases, blankets, towels and washcloths, Breakin Is Reported A breakin at West Texas Pawn Shop is being investigated by Brownwood police.

The incident night or early this morning. Reoccurred sometime Thursday ported missing were three pistols and two rifles. dents for a Democratic Society left two buildings they had seized Wednesday. About 100 protesters ended a sit-in at Stanford University in Palo Alto, when 100 policemen were deployed outside the building. Court orders were served on Dr.

Buell G. Gallagher, president of City College of New York, asking him to show Monday why the school should not be reopened. It has been closed nine days as black and Puerto Rican students barricade half the campus. Security guards at Columbia closed the law library after members of the Black American Law Student Association entered the building and said they would hold an all-night "studyin." A spokesman for the students said they would not block others from using the library. He said it was called to dramatize their attempt to negotiate grievances Local Group Due At VFW Session A number of Brownwood residents are expected to attend a District 8 Veterans of Foreign Wars spring convention this weekend in Snyder.

These include Mr. and Mrs. Bob Healer, Mr. and Mrs. George Benson, Mr.

and Mrs. J. B. Estess, P. W.

McBride, Mrs. Lydia McCann and Mrs. c. Q. Durkee.

District commander J. B. Estess will preside during the main sessions of the convention. Included in the events are business meetings for both the men and the auxiliary, memorial service, installation of officers and a dance. Sheriff's Posse Gets 2 Awards The Brown County Sheriff's Posse captured two honors at the Killeen Rodeo Thursday.

The group took first award trophy for the parade unit and received first place plaque for the most miles travelled. The Brown County Sheriff's Posse will attend the Blanket rodeo Saturday. Stolen Auto Found Wrceked in Brady A car reported by James Miller of 1216 Third St. as stolen around 1:30 a.m. this morning was found wrecked in Brady at 3:32 a.m.

According to Brownwood police, the car was located by a member of the Brady Police Dept. Playday Set Sunday All riding clubs in District 5 are invited to participate in the second district playday Sunday. The event will be held at the rodeo grounds beginning at 9 a.m. in San Angelo. Truman Hall Honored the city.

He retires May 10, Singing Set Sunday COMANCHE Regular first Sunday afternoon singing convention will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at Gartman's View Baptist Church on Highway 16, All singers are invited, Ted Patton is in charge. COMANCHE (BBC)-Truman Hall was given a watch and a plaque Monday at the regular meeting of the Comanche City Council. This was in recognition for his 27. years of service to GUNS GUNS RIFLES--PISTOLS SHOTGUNS AMMUNITION We Break Boxes Morgan Son 100 MAYES BLUFFVUE DRIVE THEATRE IN Coleman 646-0303 Hiway OPEN 7:00 SHOW STARTS AT TIS0 ADULTS 100 "SECRET KIRK DOUGLAS PICTURES CEREMONY A LOWLY CORD TIC TO NELLER 4 UNIVERSAL PICTURE TECHNIC CAMP BOWIE IN Brads River OPEN 1:00 SHOW STARTS AT ADULTS VE MCQUEEN BULLITT SUGGESTED TOR "'on certain matters concerning Institutional policies with respect to black and minority He added, "At no point have we been able tc secure concrete responses to the position we have advanced." He declined to spell out his group's demands.

Earlier, about 200 SDS members climbed out the windows of Fayerweather and Mathematics halls, minutes after arrest warrants were issued for them. Many wore bandannas over their face in an attempt to avoid being Identified. French Vote Due June 1 PARIS (AP) The French Cabinet today set June 1 as the date for the first round of voting in the election to name President Charles de Gaulle's sor. If no candidate gets a majority on the first round, the two top men will compete in a runoff election June 15. Georges Pompidon of the Gaullists is the only announced candidate so far and the favorite to replace the general he served for six years as premier.

At least three men are competing for the Socialist nomination, a Communist candidate is likely, and there probably will be other entries also. Proctor Has 1st Sale of Liquor PROCTOR The first legal sale of liquor in Comanche County in more than 50 years began this week with the opening of Handy Liquor Store 18 miles from Comanche on U.S. 67 and 377. Operator of the package store is Robert E. Basham who has operated a store at Priddy for several years.

Texas Liquor Control Board granted Basham a permit after the recent election approving sale for off-premises consumption passed 128 to 117 in Precinct 4. Notice has been given by a group saying it will protest the election results in district court. Drys are challenging 21 votes as being illega'. Public Contest Is Monday Night Brownwood Knights of Pythlas Lodge 99 will hold its annual public speaking contest Monday beginning at 8 p.m. at the local lodge hall, 17th and Ave.

E. The speakers will include Randy Rivard, Peggy Jones and Linda Stark, all of Brownwood High School. The subject will be "To Attain Success in Life is a College Degree Indispensible?" The local winner will advance to district competition In Abilene May 11. District. winner advances to state competition at Pampa in June.

Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m, in the lodge hall and chairman of the event Monday is George Allman." The public is invited to attend the competition. COMANCHE HONOREES Valedictorian of this year's Comanche High School senior class is Sharon Beaty, left, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O. Beaty Jr.

Her average is 96.08. Shelley Houch, with an average of 95.98, is salutatorian. She is the daugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs.

C. R. Houck. Royce Lubke, of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert L. Lubke, was high ranking boy with 95.25 average. River Rolls Near Crest By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Mississippi River rolled toward a crest today at St. Louis, but Army engineers indicated the peak would be only slightly above flood stage and only minor lowland flooding was expected. A similar appraisal was given for Saturday when waters of the Missouri River, which empties into the Mississippi just above St.

Louis, were expected to create a second crest there. Melting snows in the northern Midwest and Plains pushed the Mississippi and Missouri tributaries out of their banks in Iowa, the Dakotas, Minnesota and Wisconsin last month and caused milloins of dollars in damage. On the Illinois side of the Mississippi, dikes and the natural terrain were high enough to prevent major flooding. President Nixon declared Wisconsin a major disaster area Thursday and allocated $500,000 in federal aid to restore areas ravaged by the Mississippt. In Minot, N.D., about 2,000 residents returned to homes they evacuated when waters of the Souris River spilled over the town last month, However, another 10,000 or more persons still were waiting for the Souris to recede.

Damage from flooding in the Minot area has been estimated by Army engineers at more than $10 million. Lions to Auction For Charity Here Annual joint auction of Early Lions Club and Brownwood Evening Lions Club will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday on the Holley Chevrolet lot. Proceeds from the auction will be used to finance various charity projects of the two clubs. DOCTORS ELLIS ELLIS OPTOMETRIST Call for appointment 646-8778 or 308 Citisens Bank Bids.

Protest Now! SAVE FREE T.V. INTERSTATE'S DOWNTOWN PI1 040 0449 OPEN 12:05 NOW THRU Adm. FEATURES 805 THE DEMOLITION IS DELICIOUS! COLUMNA PICTURES A. IRYING ALLEN Dean Martin "Matt Helm a The Wrecking Crew Sammer-Sharon Tate- Nancy Kwan: Nigel Green Tina Louise Music posed and conducied Hung ty Witan so the ay Noniton ty kving Alien: Directed by Phil TECHNICOLOR' I Brownwood Bulletin Published every evening except Saturday. and Sunday PUBLISHING morning by BROWN.

WOOD Box 1188, Brownwood, Texas 76801. Second class postage paid at Brownwood, Texas. 114 E. LEE CRAIG WOODSOR, Publisher NORMAN FISHER. Editor Subscription rates.

CARRIER In BY the BY following counties: Callahan, Eastland, Erath, Comanche, Hamilton. Mills, San Saba, McCulloch, Coleman and Brown $15.60 per ye tr otherwise credited in this paper and also elsewhere $21.00 per year. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED FRESS The Associated Press Is entitled ex. clusively to use for publication all news printed In this newspaper as well 81 all AP news dispatches. All 611.41 rights are reserved.

Poster Contest To Open Monday BANGS(CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) are clearing away but something like a curtain" has made it hard to see well in the house although outside I can see okay," she added. "I could see the doctors smile at each other, Colors were so bright," Mrs. Sanders recalled as she got her first view of things after bandages were removed. She could see the tops of cars from her fifth story hospital room clearly. "The field of vision is very narrow and highly magnified," she said.

"Cornbread sticks looked like gold bars and peas like marbles" on her food tray. MAKING sight possible in her right eye is: plastic shaft measuring about an eighth of an inch by a sixth of an inch. It is held in place with a recently developed surgical Afflicted by poor eyesight since she was eight months old, Mrs. Sanders says she could see "pretty good" until sheh was 13 She stayed in public school until she was 21 and then entered the State School for the Blind in Austin, where she graduated at 25. "All through the years I had good days and bad days," Mrs.

Sanders sald. "From about 1950 to 1960 I could see pretty good up close with my left eye (which is the best of the SHE COULD see well enough in the 50s to help her daughter and son with their high school lessons. In 1952 she even did a large detailed painting literally at nose length's distance from the canvas. This was so she could see what she was doing. A knowledgeable artist says it is worth at least $250, "My eyes have been tender ever since childhood," she says.

She attributes her willingness to go through seven operations has had in the past two years and many more before that to "my great love for learning and reading. That is what has made me through have anything patience. to I'd nearly gy, see Doctors explain that Mrs. Sanders has a disease affecting the lining inside the eye and the transparent dries out. cvering over become the eye Eyelids gued to the eyeball and exenttually sight becomes clouded.

UNTIL DOCTORS made the abrupt decision to use the new surgical technique on Mrs. Sanders, people like her could not hope to have a cornea transplant because of the poor condition of the inner eye lining. So doctors simply cleaned out the entire lining of the eye and implanted the plastic cornea. Then they sewed the eyelids over the implant, leaving a peephole for the cornea. Physicians believe this is the first known case in which the eyelid itself has been used to graft a cornea.

For persons who might think she will finally have normal vision again, Mrs. Sanders explains, "Corneas do not give normal vision. Peripheral vision is not possible. But it is a little spotlight which is worth all the NO DECISION has been made about Implanting a cornea in her left eye or doing other corrective surgery, doctors wanted to try this on my bad eye first before doing anything to my other eye," she said. The costly operations and hos- OPEN TO PUBLIC TRAVELER'S Steak House Ft Werth 646-9110 IVIRYDAY SPECIAL CLUB STEAK green salad, anion sings 61.09 ON SHELL Recording Taken To Louie D.

Lane The entire events of the recent Brown County Pioneer Sons and Daughters meeting were recorded and carried to Louie D. (Happy) Lane who is a patient at the veterans hospital in Temple. Taking the tape to Lane were Rio Cox and members of the Downtown Bible Class. "Happy's eyes were filled with tears when he listened to our voices on the tape," Cox said. Lane is reported to be doing as well as can be expected and appreciates cards and messages from his Brownwood friends.

May Masonic Lodge Supper Is Saturday MAY The local Masonic Lodge will have its annual family night oyster supper beginning at 6:30 p.m. Saturday at the May lunchroom. Speaker will be Dan Nowlin of the Texas Dept. of Public Safety. Open House Sunday ZEPHYR (BBC)-The Robert Wallace family will hold open house from 2 to 4 p.m.

Sunday at their new home in Zephyr. Everyone is invited. A poster contest sponsored by the Brownwood Municipal Police Assh. begins Monday. Deadline for poster entry is May 9.

The contest is open to all elementary school children, grades 1-6. According to a member of the police department, the posters must be on crime prevention and submitted on poster cards 18. 24 inches. There is a limit of one poster per child and the winner will receive free tickets to the Brownwood police banquet 011 Thursday May 15. In addition, the will receive a cash prize of $5.

Masonic Meeting Slated Saturday Twenty-five-year membership pins will be presented to 65 persons at a called meeting of Brownwood Masonic Lodge 279 at a dinner beginning at 6 p.m. Saturday at the lodge hall. Harvey C. Byrd of Waco, grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Texas, will make the presentations. Speaker will be W.

E. Hale of the Texas Dept. of Public Safety. He will speak on law and order. Carpet Paths and Spots Easily Removed or clean carpet wall-to-wall.

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Brownwood Bulletin from Brownwood, Texas (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.