The Morning Herald from Hagerstown, Maryland (2024)

4 THE MORNING HERALD, Hagerstown, Md. Saturday, June 6, 1964 Saturday, June 6, 1964 FOUR THE DAILY MAIL, Higcntowo, Assembly Of God Assembly OIF God, Alvtn D. Bethel Assembly Of God, How. erd wid Arvtl J. Barrett, Pastor.

Garrettt Mill Assembly Of God, Filllnf WlHrt lltmipwt, L. Bowers, Pas- Union Church, Maujensville, Mn. Thtlmt J. Chrlstophel, Pastor. West End Assembly Of God, Salem Hagerstown, Rev, Nilion Pastor, Baptist Pint Baptist Church, 500 Washington Hagerstown, G.

Birtow Harris, Putor. Chirlci P. Bullird, Assistant Putor. Morning Worjhlp and 11:00 a.m., Sunday school 9:43 l.m, First Baptist Chipil, Pin- mount, Rev. Charlea P.

Bullird, Mlnlsttr. Sunday school, M5j Morning Worship, Mt. Morlih Baptist, Girritti Mills, W. M. CUybon, Pas lor.

Virginia Avenue Baptist, 2027 Virginia Avenue, Halfway. Ken. neth J. Schmidt, Pastor. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.; Morning Worship II A.m.; Pinesburg Baptist Mission, Plnesburg School.

W. Edmfs- ten, pastor. Worship. a.m. Weverron Baptist, Weverron, Edwin H.

Hedgoeth, Pastor. Sunday School a.m. Morning Wor-l ship 11:00 a.m. West End Baptist Chapef, 101 Buena Vista Hagerstown, Sunday School Morning Worship II. Zion Baptist, Jonathan a Bethel Hagerstown J.

C. Saunders, Pastor. Wayside Baptist Church, ersburg Rev. Odell Stone, Pastor. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship, 10:45 a.m.

Brethren Calvary Brethren, Bryan Place and W. Franklin Hag erstown, Jack K. Peters, Pastor Bible School Morning worship First Brethren, Mulberry and Antietam Hagerstown, Rev. W. St, Clair Benshoff, Pastor.

Sunday School 9:30 a.m.. Morning Warship 10:30 a.m. Gay Street Brethren, Gay St. Allen Hagerstswrt, Rev. Gerald Teeter, Pastor.

Sunday school 9:30, Church, 10:34 a.m. Grace Brethren, First a Spruce Hagerstown, Robert B. Collitt, Pastor. Sunday School 9:15. Morning worship 11.

Satnt James Brethren Church, Rev. James H. Rowsy, Pastor, Sunday School 9:30 a.m./ Worship 10:30 a.m. Catholic St. Augustine's Church, Wil liamsport, Rev.

Thomas A. Mass each Sunday at 1:30 and 11. St. James' Church, Boonsboro Rt. Rev.

Msgr. Daniel M. Me- Grath, Pastor. Mass each Sunday 10:15. St.

Joseph's Catholic Church, Halfway, Rev. Joseph A. Day pastor. Masses Sunday and 11. St.

Church, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Daniel M. MeGrath, Pastor.

Mass each Sunday al 7, 9:30, 10:45 and 13 noon. St. Michael's Church, Clearjl Spring, Rev, Thomas A. esty, Pastor. Worship 9:30.

Sunday school al 10:40.11 St. Peter's Church, Rev. Charles Qulnn, Pastor. Man acn Sunday 7:30 ind a.m. Christian (Disciples of Christ) Beaver Creek Christian, ver Creek, J.

H. Knibb, Pastor.ll Downsville Christian, Rt. 1, Williamsport, Conrad W. McDonald, Pastor. Worship 10 a.m.

Bible School 11 a.m. 7:30 p.m. First Christian, Boonsboro, St. Paul J. H.

Knibb, Pastor Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship 11. First Christian, Hagerstown, 1345 Potomac Wilbur Hogevoll, Minister, Rev. Robert L. Regenold, Associate Minister.

LETS ALL GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY ha Salem Church, Near H. Clem, MWeter. CM No worries, no responsibilities! A lot of us would gladly trade places with Wendy, just to share that wonderful "joy of living" that children feel so often, and adults experience so rarely, "But what is there to be happy about?" you may be thinking. "Maybe Wendy has no worries, but I certainly have!" Perhaps we forget that this world is in God's hands and that, with God, nothing Is Impossible. We wear ourselves out seeking human solutions to our problems, when Divine help it always available if we will, only ask.

Try it. Try bringing your worries and doubts to God this Sunday In your neighborhood Church. Hear God's promise of guidance and comfort for all who will give their lives to him In childlike trust And let the Holy Spirit fill your troubled heart with lasting joy. THI CHURCH FOX ALL FOK THE CHURCH The Chinch is the greatett facto on for the building of character good cIliMnstop. is storehouse of apirihial values, Without strong church, neither Dor civilization' can survive.

There are four sound reaiohs why every person should attend lervicei regularly and eupport the church. They aie: (1) For hia own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the take of his community and Jiatloa, (4) For the take of the church iUelf, which needj In moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly snd read your Bible daily.

ler Advertuinf Service, Slruburg, Va. Sunday I Samuel Monday I Kings Tuesday Psalms Wednesday Isaiah Thursday Isaiah Friday Matthew Saturday Galatians First Federal Savings Loan Asm. of Hagerstown 100 W. Washington. St.

Roy L. Hoffman Soni Wholesale Meats Cearfoss Pike Dial RE 9-2332 E. D. Plummer Sons General Contractors 901 S. Main Chambersburg, Pa.

81 Edgewood Drive, Hagerstown Gulf Service Station 37 N. Jonathan St. Steffey Findlay, Inc. Fuel Oil--Coal--Builders Supplies 332 W. Church St.

RE 3-1600 Cavetown Planing Mill Co. Lumber Millwork, Cavetown, Md. J. B. Ferguson Inc.

Engineers--Contractors--Surveyors 312 W. Washington St. RE 9-5060 Hagerstown. Loan Thrift Corp. Personal Loans and General Financing Locally Owned and Managed Howard Johnson's Restaurant Open for Breakfast, Luncheon and Dinner Daily, Route 40 East Hageritown Paint Glass Co.

45 W. Franklin RE 9-4300 D. McKee, Inc. Wholesale Hardware 339 W. Antiefam St.

The Ruberoid Co. Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday ichorf lion Church, Petemec (jHagerstewn, Rev. Arthur Pastor. Rev, Larry A.

Brantley, asst. pastor. Church a.m. ihlp 11:00 a.m, Evangelical United Brethren Benevola-Mt. Lena Churches, Charles W.

Llghtnar, Patter. Benevolai Worship Hfvlci 9:30. church School 10:30. Mt. Lena i aurch schori Worship- 'Bethel Evangelical U.

Chewsvllle Maryland, liMomoe Shearer Patter. Otejrejt) I. ant Pester. till end twneiv St. Mark's Lutheran, Wtshlrnten tewn, Idward P.

Helrae, Paster, 10:15 a.m. a.m. School Bethel Church, Rohrarsvllle, Henry E. Gable, Pastor. Momlno WoriWo 10:45 1.111.

11 School a.m. Sunday 1:39 Church a.m. ft, Paul's Ivaneellcal Lutheran, FunkiHwn. service til), Suniay school St. Piul'i Lutheran (Missouri Syrwd), Sandy Read, Han co*ck, Rtv.

Nermin Mitten, Patter. WerjWp a.m. timliy Schoel, Shirpsburg Lutheran Parish Mt, Zlen, Lecust Grove. WeMMs i.m, iundiy School 10:10 Holy Trinity, Sharpsburg. Church School 111) l.m.

Worship lerv- 10:30. Salem, Bakersvlllt. Church ichool a.m. Worship iirv- ce 11:30 a.m. SI, Mark's, Rehrartville, Church ichool, 9:30 a.m.

Worship ct sMp Emmanual Church, Summit and Howard Hagen trt C. Ktperllng, Presbyterian Untied Prtsbyterlan Hattrslewn, Washlrntto Prtsfttt 'StrttH. BiHcher, Mlnfstr S. McKwt. ilt, Jr.

I MlnlMtr, Htlllrtftr, Mlnlsttr Musle, twrch School a.m. Hanctck Area Churchts, co*ck Presbyterian Church, son T. Dowllnj, Pasltr, Olivet, Warfordsburg, Richard L. Nswklrk, Minister. SI.

Andrtw Prttkyttrttfi Church, Van Lear Mtntr, Ncrmin Pasttf. Church Ichwl Mornlni wtrthlf Covenant United Church, 927 Phtastrtt Drive, Roblnwotd Davtlepmtnt, erstewn, Donald L. Brown, Minister. Morning Worship, a.m. and Seventh Day Adventitl Pondsvlllt Mt.

Lttti Smlthsburg Churth, Waysldt CM, 'Ihlrd p.m. Sundays the These Religious Messages are published each week in the Herald-Mail and endorsed by the Washington County Council of Churches, Council of Christian Laymen of Washington County and Sponsored by the following Interested Individuals and Business Establishments: 0. P. Inc. Tires 39 W.

Franklin St. Dial RE 8-0550 Norman S. Earley Son, Inc. General Contractors 435 E. Baltimore St.

Dial RE 9-7200 Wiles Bros. Contractor Painters Robert G. Wiles, Smithsburg, Md. Phone 824-2Z78 Mcrhl F. Wiles, MyersvUIe, Md.

Phone 293-2535 Supreme. Concrete Block Products Co. Dual Highway--DJal RE 8-6060 Bearings Tranimission, Inc. 1875 Penna. Ave.

II town, Rtv. Putor. Sundtf School i-m. Worship itr 11 vice 9:10 a.m. Grate Church, Church end llWInter Hageritown, Rev.

IIEarl E. Redding, pastor. Rtv, R. Shover Assistant, Sunday School Morning Worship Mount Carmel Church, jlrersville Henry E. Oabla, II Paster.

Worship a.m. sundsy school 10:30 Mt. Nebe Church, Boonsboro, Theodore E. Elsar, Pastor Church schxl Worship 10. Myersvilla Charge, Middle lltown EUB, Mlddlatawn, Mt Zlon, EUB, Myersvllle, Pitas ant Walk EUB, Pleasant Walk, Rtv.

Monroe J. Shearer, Pastor. Potomac EUB Charge, Jamei IJGelselman, Pastor. St. Paul'r, Big Pool! School, 10 Worship Str- a.m.

Mt. Zion, Ctarfoss: Worship a.m. Church School HID a.m. Mt. Carmtl, Big Pooll Church School 10 a.m.

St. Jamts, Big Pooh Church School 10 a.m. Parkhead, Ptetonvlltt: Church School ID a.m. P.thoboth Church, Williams- IIport, Charles Arikerbrand, II Pastor. Sunday School Mornlna Wor- Salem Church, Keedysville, Ivan G.

Naujle, Pastor. Bibll School Worship Ssrvkt 10:30. Shlloh Church, Security, Rev. Walter H. Gable, pastor.

Worship Service Church 10:15. State Lint Charge, Middleburg Church, State Lint, Rtv. Walttr H. Gable, pastor. Church School a.m.

Worship 10:40 a.m. St. Matthew's Evangelical United Brethren, Watt Franklin and High Streets, Rtv. W. L.

Baughman, Paster. Unified service with Suntfav it i.rn. St. Paul's Church, Franklin lland Locust Hagerstown, Lester M. Kauffman, Pastor, R.

Lebo, Assistant Pastor Morning Worship 1:30 nd 11. Church IM. Trinity Memorial Church, Sharpsburg, Charles K. Blrx, Patter. Smlthsburg Lutheran Parish, Rev, Robirt Hyson, pastor.

Trinity. Sanity icfiool a.m. Worship 10: St, Sunday school 10:30 i.nn, Worship 9:15 Mt. Morlah. Sunday ichool 10:00 a.m.

Worship 9:00. Trlnll" Lutheran Church, N. Potomac and Randolph Ave. Hagerstown, Wilson P. Ard.

D.O., pastor. Carl G. Franklin, Student Assistant Pat for. Worship 8:15 and Sunday school St. Marks.

Church worship 1:30 and 10:48 a.m. Sunday school 9:30 J.m, Zion Lutheran Church, Wll llamiport, William C. Huddle, Patter. Church School 9:30, Morning Worship 10:45. Dual Highway, Hiftrattrwn, Jti seph Meltshtnko, pastor, Unitarian (Jnlrarlan, Unilarlin Servlcts Church School it YMCA at tfli4S a.m.

each lini. day, Robert Ident. L. Bttrs, Tres- United Brethren In Christ Central UB Church, RehrarJ vllle, Charles G. BarnKart, Pas- or.

Morning worship 5:30. lundiy school Mt. Lena UB Church, Mr. Lena, Paul V. MeVty, Sunday School, 9:30 Worthlp.i a.m., and p.m.

Mennonite Black Oak Bethel Jethel, near Warfordsburg, Black Oak Ridge, near Hanco*ck Spring, Amos Horst, Pastor. Miller Church, ntar Letters- burg, Samuel E. Martin, Pastor. Morning worship service School 10:45. Sunday Second Christian, 65 W.

North Hagerstown, Frank Bradley, Pastor. Church Of The Nasarene Grace Church of The Nazarene, Frank Heldlei-, Pastor. Christian Science First Church of Christ Sclent' 1st, 215 N. Potomac Hag erstown, Mrs. Florence E.

May, first reader, and Mrs. Nettle V. Talman, second reader. Morning service 11. Sunday ichool 1), Church Of God Boonsboro Church, Lakin Ave.

1 Boonsboro, Eugene B. Wyand, Pastor. Church Of God (Winebrenner) Anlietam near Sharpsburg, Harold Beck, Pastor. Blair's Valley Church, near Clear Spring, Robert Easterday, Pastor. Broadfording Church, Broadfording, Glenn E.

Masser, Pai- Bible Schoo 9:30 Morning wor- hlp a.m. Garfield: Sunday ichocl a.m. Charch Of The brethren Beaver Creek Congregation, eaver Creek Church, Beaver reek, Fahrney Keedy Mem- rial Home Chapel, Mapleville, Rev. D. H.

Miller, Pastor. Episcopal St. Mark's Parish ind Washington Counties, Rev. A. D.

Salmon, rector. St. Luke's, Brownsville: 2 Khool a.m. Services 10 a.m. St.

Mark's, Petmville: Churcn school 10:3) a.m. Scrvicts St. Albani Chapel, Virginia Ave. and Van Lear Rev. August W.

Peters, Vicar, Holy Eucharlsl, Sermon and Church 10:30 a.m. St. Paul's Church, Sharps burg, C. Robert Sutton, Rector. Family service at 9:33.

St. Thomas' Church, Hanco*ck, Ronald C. Albjugh, Rector. Holy Eucnirljt 7:30. Holy Euchirll and 3rd Sundays.

Morning Prayaj nrf and Evangelical And Reformed tor. Bakerton Church, Bakerton, W. Va. Chestnut Church. Chestnut Greve, H.

S. Churchey, Paster. First Church Of God, MJ Sum mit Hagarstown, Gerald D. Carbaugh, Pastor. Sunday Schwi 9:30 a.m.

Morning wor ship 10:30 a.m. Church Of God, Rev. Clarence McGaha, pastor. Germantown (Betrel) BMe School 9:30. Worship Blue Mountain: School .9:30 a.m.

Worshlo a.m. Mt. Briar Church, Mt. Briar James Rockwell, Pastor. Church Of God, 1017 Rose Hill Hagerstown, Bruce Me Cant, Minister.

Church Of God Clear Spring, Robert Timmoni Pastor. Sundiy 9:45 e.m. Morning wor- II a.m. Ml. Pleasant Church, Fox' vllle Thurmont Rev.

D. f. Scearace, Pastor. Williamsport Church Of God, Rtv. D.

L. Abbott, PasteK weir, rnmt DDVUIDV Sunday Schodl 10, wsrMi lljry Angle, Palter. Orchard Ridge Church, nea Millstone, W. F. Murray, Ptsto PleaiantviUe Church, Pleat antville, Harold Ebersole, Pas tor.

Samples Manor Church, Sam pies Manor, Reyond Renner pastor. Sharpiburg Church, Sharps burg, John Gossert, Pastor. Bible. School 9:30. Worship 10:30.

Ziltlestc-wn Firtt Church Cad, near Boonsbere, Rtv. Ha Broadfording Church, Borad- ordlng, E. Russell Beahm, pas- or. Church school 9:39 a.m., Mornlnu Wor- rilp 10:30 a.m. Brownsville Church, Browns- Heights, Albert Huston, 'astor.

Church school Morning worship Hagerstown Church of Brethren, E. Washington and rtulberry DeWitt Miller, Minister, Rev. Jos. M. Ctueten berry.

Associate Minister. Church a I study Church al wor Snip 11. Long Meadow Church, Para mount, Byrn J. Wampler, Pas jr. school 9:30.

Worship 10:30. Manor Congregation, Downs vllle Church, Downsville, Manoi Church, Tllghmanlon, Rev. Jim mle Ross, Pastor. Sharpsburg Church, Free Bernhard, Pastor, Stone Bridge Church, 1, Hanco*ck (Hollow Glenn R. Winters, Pastor.

Wtlry Church, near Smiths- hurg, Glenn Hickman, Pat tor, Spring, Rev. Charles A. Morrow, Vicar 1 1 and Strmon, stcond Sundays ol monlh, II a.m. St. ClamefU'i Church School, 8:38 a.m.

St. Andrews, Church School, 11 a.m. St. Ann's Episcopal Church, Smithsburg. Rector: Rev.

Wll- lam Roth Speer Morning prayer and sermon, 11 and Third Sundays Communion Church School, II a.m. St. Clement'a Chapel Indian Springs, Rev. Charlet Mor row. Vicar Holy Communk)n and Sermon firs! and rt i vtJ01 month at St.

James Chapel, St. James School, John E. Owens, Head Master, Beverly B. a Chaplain. Grace Church, Brunswick Rev.

A. D. Salmon, Rector. Hol Communion a.m.) Family Krv Ices a.m. Mornlrig prayer 11 a.m St.

John's Church, S. Prosptc Hagerstown, Rev, Alter Rector. Rev. Douglas Kutchings Assistant, Communion 1 a.m. Morning praye ind Church School, :15 Mornln.

Prayer and Sermon II a.m. Thursda Holy Communion and L.O.H 10 a m. St. Mark's Church; Lappans Cressreadt, C. Robert fcrttwi Rector.

EUB Chage, Wolfs Hvlllt. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. lliidepcndent Black Rock Bible Church, IIBeaver Creek, Paul Heetnsr, II Pastor. Bible School 7:30. a Independ Church, 144 S.

Polemic Homer Palter. Bible School 9:30. Mornlrw worship 10:45. The Evangelical Bible Center 11919 Corbett Street, Rev. R.

Cantrell, Rtv. L. Ctntrell Pastor. 7 Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning wor 11:00 n.m.

Independ. Ijent Church, Rev. Luther Barn, jhart. Pastor. Sunday School 10 a.m, Parish, Richard F.

Batman, Patter. Mt. Tabor UB near Rev, Earl J. Emsmlnger, Pat-' tor. Churcti 9:30 a.m.

Sunday ichool 10:34 a.m. EvenlnB Church 7:00 p.m. Trinity UB Church, State Line, Pa. Rev. H.

Doney Glover pastor. Worship 9:45, Sunday School 10:40 a.m., Evening Worship, Sunday 7:30 o.m, Otterbein U.S. Church, Mt. Lena, D.E. Rotenberger, pat- tor, Otterbeln UB Church, Locust and Antletem Rev.

Frank G. Mentzer, pastor. Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Michael M. Horst, Pastor.

Otterbeln Church of the Unit- Clear Spring Church, near Brethren In Christ, 234 S. School North Side Church, N. Locust and McComas Hagerstown, Harold A. Lehman, Pastor. Dargan Church, In Dargan Supplied Mount Zlon Church, Near San Mar-Supplied, Plnesburg Church, Plnesburg, Oliver H.

Martin, Pastor. Pendsvilla Church, Ponds vllle, Amoi J. Martin, Pastor. RerW Church, near Maugans- vllle, Meses K. Horst, Bishop, Stanley H.

Martin, Bishop, Reuben H. Martin, Pastor. Stouffer Church, near Edge moot, Amos J. Martin, Pastor. Mervfn J.

Martin, Pastor, Danltl M. Miller, Pastor. Pardlst Church, near Paramount, Irvln S. Shank, pastor Methodist Williamsport i Chtrlet A. Mlchttl, paster.

Ebenezer AME Church, 40 Bethe! Hagerstown, D. Make It, Pastor. Hagerstown Williamsport Charge, Asbury Methodist, Jonathan Hagerstewn, As burg Methodist, Williamsport. Services each tecond and fourth Tolson Methodist, Sharpsburg, Aaron E. Johnson, Pastor.

Hanco*ck Methodist, Hanco*ck, Washington Pa. Worship 9:35. Worship 7:30 p.m. Synagogue B'Nal Abraham, E. Baltimore Hagerstown, Harold Miller, tabbi.

Other Churches And Religious Groups Alliance Church, Crost HcComai Hagerstown, J. Warren Rhodes, Patter. Sunday sdiool 9:45 11. Calvary Holiness Church, West and Church Hag. erslown, James Pastor.

Wilson Community Joe R. Soudert, patter. Sunday School Calvary Temple, WllllanW port, Vernon W. Miles, Sunday School Morning 11, Evening worship 7:40. Church, Cedar Lawn, Hagert- town, Robert J.

Seek, Paster. Christian Holiness Danitl N. BllcksnstaH, Pastor, Ruth CaaUng, Aider-ant Pastor. School Evening 9:30. Morning ig worsh'p 7:30.

Worship St. Matthew's ver Creek. Boonsboro Mt. Morlah Iharge, Rev. Frederick E.

urkowski, Pastor. Christ Church, Sharpsburg WcrsWr 9 a.m. Sunday School a.m. Mt. Vernon, Keedysville Worship 10 a.m.

Sunday school II a.m. Trinity, Boonsboro Worship Service 1 a.m. Sunday School a.m. Chrlst't Church, W. Franklin St.

Hagerstown, Lawrence Strunk, Minister, Leonard K. Heffner, Assistant Minister. Worship services 1:30 and 11, Ch Cavetown Christ Church, R. Groff, Paster. Churcli school 9:15 Worship 10:30.

Church Of The Holy Trinity, Oalc Ridge Dr. and Clenslde Ave. Halfway C. Richard Mattert, Pastor. Worship Spring Parish, Rev.

Warren 0. Zlejler, Pastor. St. John's, Clear Spring la HS 'I'm'' Ser St. Paul's, Western Pike.

Church School im. Worihlo vice 10:45 a.m. nonrap Chrlrt Church, Earl Koefilsr, Pastor. a.m. Church Church, Baa' Mallns Church school 9:30.

Peter's Church, Ketdys- Sf. vllle. The sirvlce 9:45. Church school Trinity Church, Boonsboro. Church School 9:45.

The service 11. Christ Evangelical Lutheran, Rev. Ronald H. McClung, North Cleveland Avenue, Hagerstown. Worshls service Sunday church school 9:30.

Clear Spring Lutheran Parish, Raymond M. Miller, Pastor, St Paul's, Western Pike. Worship 1:30. Sunday School 9:30. Mt, Tabor, Falrvltw.

Sunday School 1:30. Worship 9:45. St. Peter's, Clttr Spring. Sunday School Wonnlp Concordla Lutheran (Mlssaur Synod) 1542 Jefferson Rev.

Norman Nlsstn, Paster. Worship 9:15 a.m. Sunday schcal arrf Church, class 10:30 i.m. Leltersburg Lutheran Parish Donald Warrtnfttti, pasfor. Haven Evangtllcal Lutheran Haven Road and Ptnrwylveoia Avenut, Ray E.

Blanstt, Pastor, Sunday School Ice, a.m. Myersvllie Luthiran Charge: Rtv. William MerrJH Brawn, pastor, St, John's Cnurch Hills Worship 9 a.m. Church SchMl 10 e.m St, Mark's WoUsvlllt. Church School 9:30 I.m, Hi munlon, i.m.

St, Church School 9:21 im. It. LtmV Chrisilan Youth Center, bett Hagerstown, Reuben Cantreil, Pastor. Sunday School 10. Morning Worshlo 11 Evening service 7:30.

n. Church of Chrl.t, Avenue, Jamei H. penter, Minister. Church of Ged and Hammond Hagerstown, Earl E. Pastor.

Elim Full Gospel -------Church School 9:30 a.m. worship spruce Hagerstown, Catalpa Methodist, near Hanco*ck, Robert Bartlett, pastor. St. Andrews Methodist Church, Maryland Hag eritown, Charles Sisk, pas- for. Church school 9:45 a.m, Morning worship II a.m.

St. Paul's Methodist, N. Potomac Hagarstown, Dr. F. Norman Van Brunt, pastor.

Smlthsburg Methodist Charge Arthur C. Wood, pastor, Church School, 9:15 a.m.'Worship 10 Mt. Bethtl, Foxvllltl St. Paul's, Smlthsburg. Church School, 14 a.m.

Worship, II a.m. Mt. Zlon, Land. Church School, 10 a.m. Worship 7:30 Warfordsburg i Charge.

Gary Wayne Trail, pastor. Little Cove Methodist Church. Worship, a.m. Sunday School, 10:45. Rehebelh Methodist Church.

Sunday Sdwol 10 a.m. Worship II ajn. Warfordsburg it Dominic Catalano, Pastor. Faith Temple, Cearfoss, Lui' ter D. Myers, Pastor.

Hagerstown Gospel Howard and Chestnut St. Hagerstown Union Reseua" Mission, N. Prospect Jamei: Resh, Superintendent Jehovah's Witnesses, 3D Nottingham Hagerstown. Klng't Apostles Church God, Bethel Walter Compher, Pastor. ji; Mapleville Union MaplevJIIe.

Mlller'i Tabernacle, N. Monti Valla Hajersfown 0 Gross, Pastor. Monroe Church ef Boonsbero Route John Shuf Sunday tdioel II a.m. Worship 7:30 PMey Plaint Methedlst, Warren W. Minister.

Wtthkifton Square Mtthedlst, Washrnjein St. Melvln D. Hufh- son, Pastor, Church School 9:45. Morning VrtnMn 11. Wtsdytn Methodist Church, 2441 Virglttlt Halfway, Harvey Wilder, Palter.

Church Ichwl Worship aervlct, Mormon The Church el Jesus Christ tl Litter Day fakitt, Wayside Dual Hlfhway, Rtvta 40 East. Councilor Ronald Crun- maker, Pastor. Bible Jcltod Evenlrm' worship Wornlna wocinlp i :30 p.m. Peoples Tabernacle, Rd. and Frldlnger erstown, Chetter A.

Pator. Redtemrt Gospel Mlitlen, North Mulberry Street, town, Harold R. Sites, Patter. Sunday ichool 10 a.m. Jamei A.

Thomas, roy E. Wastler, Silv.Hon Army, Wise George Hmratown, and Mra. Robert Girberf, "I Lf pel, Aist. Officer. Trinrty Full Ch E.

Mi Hanco*ck, L. Nalley, Pastor. Volunteers AmHlcc, fleer, LI. May M. Assistant.

Pelnt Chapel, Wilnut)! Pelnf Read, Jamas Ricty, tor. 43 Pleasant Hill Brethren Cosaytown, Rtv, Charln lay, ptefpr. Jyndiy e.m. tun- Sunday tchool stiw im. Marnl.

The Morning Herald from Hagerstown, Maryland (2024)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.