1. Handheld Chess Computers - Chess Forums - Page 2
#23. Chessmaster for PSP has some ok features, but the maximum opponent ... level system into the Chessmaster PSP edition. PawnInTheGame.
I have Chessmaster 10th Edition on my laptop and PC. I also have a handheld e-chess machine I picked up at Radio Shack about four years ago for $19.95, but it is a pain to use. What do you folks use?
2. Pocket chess. | Page 2
Feb 17, 2022 · #23 · JeffK said: Yes, I know what you're saying. I was thinking though, as with many former types of hand-held tech which have been usurped ...
He used to and he didn't like it. Got a flip phone instead. I'm a chess fiend and don't know a thing about the digital hand-held devices. I've probably already played 20 games today online. Blitz. Wish I could help.
3. Pocket Chess level 23 - Gamers Unite! IOS
Share tips or discuss about Pocket Chess level 23! | Gamers Unite! IOS.
Share tips or discuss about Pocket Chess level 23! | Gamers Unite! IOS
4. What chessplayer, living or dead, would you like to have as your ...
Those two both understand chess at an incredible level and know how to share their passion! ... He love chess, Alekhine took his pocket chess set everywhere and ...
Dr. Emanuel Lasker would be the first choice as my chess teacher. One of my favorite chess books, is Doctor Lasker's Manual of Chess, in which he has devoted a section on chess education. He has thought about the subject, deeply I'd imagine, as he has about many other matters. Someone, please let the...
5. using disconnect to cheat - Chess Forums - Page 2
We created our chess moves using Chessbase Pocket FRITZ 4.0, the worldwide best pocket ... chess players on chess.com below 2000 level without exception.
CHEATER ARE USING DISCONNET TO WIN! It happened to me 7 time in two days. I have a winning position over a player with a better raking. All of sudden the disconnect goes on. When it reconnects all my time is gone and I lose. The other player never loses time. It never happens in an even game or with...
6. Excalibur Chess Computer Comparisons
Dec 30, 2014 · as well as the original New York Times and Chess Station's Pocket Chess. ... Both Level 22 and Level 23 are fixed time levels therefore different ...
masterclass wrote:have just acquired an Excalibur Igor model 711E with no manual. Any idea where i can get access to one - need it for the 100 playing levels
7. Why are handheld chess computer LCD displays so poor?
... level. Plenty for a game though I use the usual suspects on my laptop for a thorough gimme-the-truth analysis. chessoholicalien. Sep 23, 2009.
Anyone have any opinions on why the LCD display/board screens of handheld chess computers are typically so poor? Having done a bit of research into the subject, I can't seem to find a good one yet. They either have problems with backlighting, or have poorly distinguished or illuminated pieces. Or all...
8. Best iphone chess app? - Chess Forums - Page 3
To me, Chess Genius for the iPhone is just about the perfect handheld chess app. ... level, Game in 2 hours. I hardly won the first one and easily drew the ...
Any thoughts on the best iphone chess app? Anyone know of any apps that let you play against live people. Thanks