Fellows' programme | Westminster Abbey (2024)

Westminster Abbey Institute runs an annual Fellows’ Programme for up to 20 public servants who have moved or are likely to move into senior roles.

During the year members of the Programme are given the opportunity to develop as servant leaders, gain an integrated understanding of the public service institutions and their values around and near Parliament Square, and the moral and personal challenges facing those who work in them.

Fellows' programme | Westminster Abbey (1)

For information about the programme, and to enquire about the 2023/24 Fellows’ Programme please contact:

Kathleen James, Manager
020 7654 4963

Current programme members

Rosanna Barry SCS1 - Team Leader of the Committees Scrutiny Unit, House of Lords

Dr Harrison Carter - Chief of Staff, Office of Steve Russell, National Director for Vaccinations and Screening, NHS England

Dr Tagore Charles - Consultant paediatrician, Imperial College Healthcare Trust, NHS

Sophie Duncan - Business and Strategy, NCPPE (National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement, Bristol University)

Jonathan Finlay - Implementation Manager – Policy, Research and Analysis Community (grade A2), House of Commons

Colonel James Greaves - Lt Col, British Army
The Revd Guy Hewitt Director of Racial Justice, Church of England, Lambeth Palace, London

Dr Neil Hudson MP - House of Commons

Detective Superintendent Christina Jessah - CID & Tasking, Roads and Transport Policing Command

Dr Siobhán Jolley - Howard and Roberta Ahmanson Research Fellow in Art & Religion, The National Gallery

Professor Yseult Marique - Deputy Research Director (International), Essex Law School

Gillian McFarland Deputy Director – Strategic Policy Directorate, Department for Education

Paul Morgan-Bentley - Head of Investigations, The Times

Nicole Nicholls - T/Director Intelligence, National Crime Agency

Kyla Owen - Ceremonial Events, Lord Chamberlain’s Office, The Royal Household

Lydia Urquhart - Head of Campaigns, Communications, Home Office

Graduated fellows


The Ven Elizabeth Adekunle - Chaplain to His Majesty the King, Non-executive Director, Berkeley Group

Caroline Creer MVO- Secretariat Director, The Royal Household

Tom Dannatt - CEO & Founder, Street Child

Prof Adam Dinham - Professor of Faith & Public Policy, Goldsmiths, University of London

The Revd Josh Harris – Priest-in-Charge, The Guild Church of St Katharine Cree

Peter Howitt - Managing Director, Centre for Health Policy, IGHI, Imperial College London

Jessica Lee - Barrister, 1GC

Dr Chloë Reddaway - Research Fellow (Visual Commentary on Scripture) Arts and the Sacred at King's College London; McDonald Agape Theology and the Arts Research Associate, Duke University, North Carolina

Saira Salimi - Speaker's Counsel, House of Commons

Clare Salters - Panel Member, Judicial Appointments Commission; Trustee at the OHMI Trust, Music of Life Foundation, Constitutional Society and Hounslow Music Service and Music Tutor.

Dr Alison Thomas - Paediatric Haematology Consultant, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Rebecca Vaughan - Communications adviser, South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority

Helen Whiteoak - Head of Programmes & Engagement, National Portrait Gallery

Ben Wilson - Head of Communications, National Infrastructure Commission

Caroline Winter - Deputy Director, Ukraine Humanitarian Taskforce, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Rapela Zaman - Freelance Consultant on Science and Society


Dr Chris Adams - Senior Consultant at Shearwater Global

Dr Emily Baldock - Director of Strategy and Business Planning, House of Commons

Dawn Butler - MP, Labour, Brent Central

Commander Stephen Clayman - Metropolitan Police Service

Antony Garvey – Head of Video, LBC, Global

Major Luke Hoare MBE - Company Commander, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

Jane Hough - Head of Business Planning & Performance, House of Commons

Adam Irwin - Director, Global Investigations, Arcanum

Charlie Lang - Deputy Director, Department for Education

Dr Lucian Leustean - Reader in Politics and International Relations, Aston University

The Revd Alexandra Lilley - Vicar, St George & All Saints Tufnell Park

Claire Macmillen - Deputy Director, Head of Climate Change and Renewable Energy, Government Legal Department

Zoë O'Sullivan KC - Serle Court

Dr Sarah Perkins - Director, GW4 Alliance

Victoria Prentis - MP, Conservative, North Oxfordshire, Attorney General

Shamailla Rashid – Head of HR, Government Actuary’s Department

Christopher Sandamas MVO – Operations Manager, Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Private Office at HM Treasury

Richard Sargeant - Managing Director and Partner at Boston Consulting Group

Tom Tolfree - Executive Director of Portfolio Oversight at Office of Projects Victoria (OPV), Australia

Emma Woods - Director of Policy, Natural History Museum


Dr Katharine Bailey - Consultant Haematologist, King’s College Hospital

Professor Andrew Blick - Head of the Department of Political Economy and Professor of Politics and Contemporary History, KCL

Ian Clarke KC - Selborne Chambers

Ben Cooper – Chief Content & Music Officer, Bauer Media Audio

John Fitzpatrick - Director, Covid-19 Public Inquiries Response Unit, Cabinet Office

Dt Sup Treena Fleming - Metropolitan Police Service

Charlotte Fox – PhD student in English Literature funded by AHRC at Royal Holloway, University of London

Martin John - Director, Science Hub Programme, UK Health Security Agency

The Rt Revd Dr Rosemarie Mallett – Bishop of Croydon

Jenny McCartney – Journalist and author

Colonel Doug Pennefather – UK Ministry of Defence

Becky Purvis - Interim Director of Policy and Partnership, Health Research Authority

Talitha Rowland - Deputy Director, Security & Online Harms, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport

Adam Thompson - Head of Border Threats, National Crime Agency

Dr Edge Watchorn – Deputy Director, Westminster Abbey Institute

Daniel Whiteley - Strategy & Change Directorate, National Crime Agency


Xenia Angevin - Principal Consulting Psychologist, OD and L&D Specialist, Res Claritas Consulting, Germany

Steve Bennett - Director, Shoreline Consultants Ltd

Captain Stuart Finn - Royal Navy, Royal College of Defence Studies

Dr Emma Fosbury - Consultant in Paediatric Haematology, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital,

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Marcus Fysh – MP, Conservative, Yeovil: Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Minister for Exports in the Department for International Trade

Daniel Hobbs - Director Asylum, Protection and Enforcement, Home Office

Sarah Jones - Clerk, House of Lords

Jack Palmer-White - Anglican Communion Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Dr Lorenzo Pasculli - Principal Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the UCL Dawes Centre for Future Crime, University College London

Daniel Pearl - Vice President, Unscripted UK Originals, Paramount+ at Paramount Global

The Revd Canon Malcolm Rogers MBE - Vicar of Huyton Quarry, Area Dean of Huyton and The Bishop of Liverpool's Canon For Reconciliation

Commander Catherine Roper - Central Specialist Crime, Metropolitan Police Service

Barbara Speed – Deputy Opinion Editor, The Guardian

TristanStone - Head of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Ewell Castle School

Fay Tennet - Deputy Director of Security, The Royal Household

Fleur Thomas – His Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador, Luxembourg

Jonathan Tod - Barrister, 29 Bedford Row Chambers

Carl Warner - Principal Curator, Narrative, Imperial War Museums

Polly Williams - Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Royal Academy of Engineering


Paul Brummell - His Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador, Latvia

Davina Cameron Gale - History teacher, The Greycoat Hospital

Damien Dacey - Deputy Director, English Devolution and Institutions, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Rachel Davies Teka – Advocacy Director, Transparency International UK

David Fugurally - Head of Efficiency and Capability, Department for Education

Libby Kurien - Director of Business Change, Transforming Digital Programme, UK Parliament

Julia Lopez - MP, Conservative, Hornchurch and Upminster

Charlie MacDermot-Roe LVO – Independent HR Consultant

The Revd Canon Anna Macham - Canon Precentor, Salisbury Cathedral

Rebecca Mitchell - Barrister, 1GC

Noel Murphy - Lawyer, Financial Conduct Authority

Aidan Naughton - Head of Portfolio and Programmes (Applications and Information Management) and Technology Command/Portfolio and Programmes, National Crime Agency, NCA

Roya Nikkhah - Royal Editor, The Sunday Times

Chris Porter - Director of Forensic Services, Metropolitan Police Service

Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd Pritchard MBE - Royal Navy, Royal Marines

Jonathan Smith - Head of Finance, House of Lords

Alasdair Tait - Chief Executive & Artistic Director, Young Classical Artists Trust

Dr Elizabeth Tunbridge - Director of Translational Neuroscience, Boehringer Ingelheim

Alison Wragg - Older Adults Service Director for the Boroughs of Westminster, Kensington & Chelsea, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL); Founder and Director Leone Centre, Individual & Couple Therapy and Family Therapy Services


Commander Caroline Dix - Air Engineer, Royal Navy

Elizabeth Gilmore - Director, Hastings Contemporary

Rebecca Hackett - Deputy Director, DG Net Zero Head of Office and Strategic Support, The Scottish Government

Oliver Higgins - Head of Tasking, National Crime Agency

Dr Andrew Hines -Lecturer, World Philosophies, SOAS, University of London

William Humphrey-Jones - Manager/Editor, Hansard, House of Lords

The Revd Canon Dr Simon Jones - Higher Education Chaplaincy, Merton College, Oxford

Laura Marjason-Smyth – Director, Metropolitan Police

Lucy McCormick - Barrister, Henderson Chambers

Dr Cathy Miller - Deputy Director, Roads Planning and Environment, Department for Transport

James Mirza-Davies - Senior Library Clerk, House of Commons Library

Anthony Pickles - Director, The Blakeney Group

Mario Pisani - Deputy Director, HM Treasury

Elizabeth Rawlinson - Religious Studies Teacher, Bishop Luffa School, Chichester

Nadine Smith – Director of Government and Enterprise, Social Finance

Adam Smyth – Interim Director, BBC Northern Ireland


Professor Holly Bridge - Professor of Neuroscience, University of Oxford

The Revd Ben Cahill-Nicholls - Chief Executive, Clergy Support Trust

Miriam Cates – MP, Conservative, Penistone and Stocksbridge

Chloe Challender - Senior Clerk, House of Commons

The Revd James Cruddas OBE - Deputy Director, Northern Ireland Strategy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Chris Farrimond- Director, Threat Leadership, National Crime Agency

Dr Natasha Hall - Head of Special Projects Team, Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Dr Eleanor James - Consultant Clinical Oncologist City Hospital, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Sharon Maddix - Deputy Director, Local Transport, Department for Transport

Rabbi David Mitchell - Co-Senior Rabbi, West London Synagogue

Andrew Paterson - Deputy Director, Organised Immigration Crime, Home Office

Anthony Perks - Station Officer, London Fire Brigade

Commander Victoria Shirvill - Officer Commanding the Royal Navy Air Engineering and Survival Equipment School

Dr Edward Stevens – Impact & Knowledge Exchange Manager, King’s College London

Colonel Hannah Stoy - Personnel Lead, Headquarters Field Army

Dr Alison Wood - Fellow and Academic Director Homerton Changemakers, Homerton College, University of Cambridge


Lieutenant Colonel James Ashworth - Military Assistant to Commander Home Command and Standing Joint Commander (UK)

Tammy Banks - CEO Taye Training; Lay Member of Parliamentary Committee on Standards

Becky Barrow - News Editor, The Sunday Times

Chris Chipchase - Senior HR Business Partner, Home Office

Dr Richard Douglas - Senior Analyst, National Audit Office; part-time Research Fellow of the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP), University of Surrey

Rosie Duffield – MP, Labour, Canterbury

Alison Groves - Clerk, House of Commons

Kate Newton – UN World Food Programme

Leila Pilgrim - Deputy Director/Secretary to the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry

Lewis Pugh OIG - UN Patron of the Oceans

Superintendent Dr Richard Smith – Metropolitan Police

Dr Tristan Stubbs - Secretary, House of Lords Commission

Dr Mehrunisha Suleman - Director of Medical Ethics and Law Education, Ethox Centre, University of Oxford

Commander Anne Sullivan MVO - Deputy Private Secretary to HRH Princess Anne, The Royal Household

Fellows' programme | Westminster Abbey (2024)


Is Westminster Abbey Catholic or Protestant? ›

Description. Westminster Abbey was one of the most powerful churches in Catholic Christendom before transforming into a Protestant icon of British national and imperial identity.

What happened at Westminster Abbey? ›

Since 1066, it has been the location of the coronations of 40 English and British monarchs and a burial site for 18 English, Scottish, and British monarchs. At least 16 royal weddings have taken place at the abbey since 1100.

Did the LDS church buy Westminster Abbey? ›

In a stunning announcement Monday morning, The Church of England — a denomination that traces its founding to King Henry VIII — has sold the historic Westminster Abbey to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Who pays for the upkeep of Westminster Abbey? ›

It costs over £24 million a year to run the Abbey, and we do not receive any funding from the Church, the Crown, or the Government. We are almost entirely reliant on visitors and supporters on-line like you. Your help will ensure the Abbey is here forever and for everyone.

Can a Catholic marry in Westminster Abbey? ›

However, it is only possible to be married at Westminster Abbey if you are any of the following; A part of The Royal Family, a member of the Order of Bath (or a children of someone in the Order) or anyone who lives within the Abbey's precincts.

What is the difference between Westminster and Westminster Abbey? ›

The Abbey, a place of worship for over 1000 years, maintains the daily cycle of worship as well as being the church where major national celebrations and cultural events are held. The Palace of Westminster continues to be the seat of Parliament.

Why is Westminster an abbey not a church? ›

Neither a cathedral nor a parish church, Westminster Abbey (or the Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster to give it its correct title) is a "Royal Peculiar" under the jurisdiction of a Dean and Chapter, subject only to the Sovereign and not to any archbishop or bishop.

Who was removed from Westminster Abbey? ›

Photos of Oliver Cromwell's head, 1911. When King Charles II was recalled from exile, his new parliament, in January 1661, ordered the disinterment of the elder Cromwell's body from Westminster Abbey, as well as those of John Bradshaw and Henry Ireton, for a posthumous execution at Tyburn.

Does anyone live in Westminster Abbey? ›

The word "abbey" refers to a building used by monks or nuns; neither live at Westminster Abbey today. But the name is a holdover from the building's earliest days, explains Dr. John Cooper, director of the Society of Antiquaries of London, in an email interview.

Why is the LDS Church so rich? ›

According to the LDS Church, most of its revenues come in the form of tithes and fast offerings contributed by members.

Have any LDS apostles left the church? ›

There was a man named Thomas Marsh. He was an apostle in the early days of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He left the church in 1838 and later returned in 1857. There have been many other people that have returned to activity after leaving.

Why do Mormons read the King James version? ›

Today, English-speaking Church members use the Latter-day Saint edition of the King James Version of the Bible. Based on the doctrinal clarity of latter-day revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Church has held to the King James Version as being doctrinally more accurate than recent versions.

Why is it so expensive to visit Westminster Abbey? ›

"Westminster Abbey does not charge people who want to worship. But we do rely almost entirely on paying visitors and tourists to meet the costs of running the Abbey and maintaining the historic buildings. It surprises most people to learn that the Abbey receives no funding from the Crown, the Church or the State.

Who is the owner of the Westminster Abbey? ›

Answer and Explanation: Westminster Abbey is owned by the British Royal Family. When the monarchs are coronated in Westminster Abbey, they sit on the same throne, known as 'St. Edward's Chair,' that has been used by all monarchs since 1296 AD.

How many bodies are buried in Westminster Abbey? ›

Honouring individuals buried in Westminster Abbey has a long tradition. Over 3,300 people are buried or commemorated in the abbey.

Is Westminster Cathedral Catholic or Anglican? ›

Completed in 1903, Westminster Cathedral is a Catholic Cathedral like no other. Itself a supreme achievement of art, the Cathedral is home to many distinguished works of artistic merit including hundreds of beautiful mosaics and Stations of the Cross produced by renowned English sculptor Eric Gill.

Is the Archbishop of Westminster Catholic or Protestant? ›

Vincent Gerard Nichols (born 8 November 1945) is a British cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop of Westminster and President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales.

What is the difference between Anglican and Catholic church? ›

Catholic theology emphasizes the unity of the Church under the leadership of the Pope, and the belief that the Church is the visible body of Christ on earth. Anglican theology, on the other hand, emphasizes the diversity of the Church and the importance of local autonomy.

Is the Church of England more Catholic or Protestant? ›

The Church of England is a Protestant sect. Like many other forms of Protestantism, it was formed as a means of protesting certain aspects of the Catholic Church and reforming the religion of Europe. Most Protestant denominations, including the Church of England, believe that the Bible is the source of all faith.


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.